Lunch and Learn: Sexual Orientations and Gender Identities in the Workplace: Being an Educated Employer

fullsizeoutput_187bWhere do employers go to keep up on the ever-changing world of sexual orientations, gender identities/expressions, and intersecting identities?  Come learn from Will Van Roosenbeek, Director of the Pride Center at UW-La Crosse, in a session focusing on identities, terminology, and discuss how to create work environments that are welcoming to all.

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender people have always been in the workplace.  Many of these people, in the past, did not talk about their personal lives, and when they did they were careful what pronouns they used to keep their relationships silent. With more LGBTQ+ people speaking their truths about their lives, there are greater opportunities for people with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities/expressions to be themselves in the workplace.  Employers that welcome people with a diverse range of gender identities/expressions and sexual orientations, who educate themselves and their staff, can better attract and retain talent.  Those places of employment will create inclusive environments, will be more productive, and will attract people who are looking for diverse businesses.  Learn how your workplace can be part of this positive trend.

Click here to register.

Employees of member organizations of the Greater La Crosse Area Diversity Council receive discounted registration fees.

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Lunch And Learn: Self-Care for the Long Haul for advocates of workplace well-being

Doing Good Work and Living Your Dreams In this workshop, we’ll consider how important it is to nurture ourselves even as we continue to work for social justice. We’ll consider […]

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Multi­cultural Resource Guide

This guide lists established and emerging resources that reflect and celebrate cultural diversity in our area.

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