Letter from Kelley Waddell, Executive Director, YWCA La Crosse

Dear friends,

The last year at YWCA La Crosse has been a time of excitement, challenge, and growth. For those things, I am truly thankful. It is with a heavy heart that today, I am writing to let you know my family will be relocating to Kansas City. My husband was offered a wonderful employment opportunity, one that will allow our children to grow up around grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, and for that I am grateful. While this is a fantastic opportunity for my family, it is incredibly difficult to leave YWCA La Crosse and the wonderful work we have done and will do together.

I am so excited about the direction of YWCA La Crosse. The board of directors and committees are strong and the staff are outstanding. They are a cohesive team committed and dedicated to the work they do and provide services to this community that are unmatched. Even though I will be a couple states away, I will always support the work of YWCA La Crosse and continue to work with YWCA USA to push forward our mission to eliminate racism and empower women. My last day in the office will be May 22.

Thank you does not seem to be enough. But, thank you. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to lead YWCA La Crosse. It has truly been my privilege.

Kelley Waddell
Executive Director
YWCA La Crosse

If you are interested or know someone you may be interested in our Executive Director position, visit ywcalax.org to learn more.

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Lunch And Learn: Self-Care for the Long Haul for advocates of workplace well-being

Doing Good Work and Living Your Dreams In this workshop, we’ll consider how important it is to nurture ourselves even as we continue to work for social justice. We’ll consider […]

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Multi­cultural Resource Guide

This guide lists established and emerging resources that reflect and celebrate cultural diversity in our area.

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