Finding Knowledge for Expanding and Strengthening Inclusive Communities and Workplaces

Join us Thursday, November 14, 2019 at Western Technical College’s Lunda Center for the Greater La Crosse Area Diversity Council’s 9th Annual Conference: “Finding Knowledge For Growing and Strengthening Inclusive Communities and Workplaces.”

Keynote speaker and nationally recognized Dr. Jacqueline Battalora’s research explores when, where, how, and why the human category “white” was first asserted in law. The intersection of class and gender are revealed as integral to the invention of human separation that by the 20th century is reasoned to be “race.” The legal history exposes race as a construct and reveals a mindset that is foundational to the United States shaping every institution, workplace, and community. Understanding it is essential for anyone engaging in antiracism, anti-bias work today whether that effort is on an individual or organizational basis.

Guest Speaker, Wale Elegbede, a leader in strategy execution, cancer, community’s interfaith network. Wale Elegbede has had a successful career in numerous industries from consulting, information technology and systems, lumber, retail, e-commerce, manufacturing, and healthcare with a novel cancer treatment that has been the highlight and most fulfilling part of his career to date.

Diversity Council 9th Annual Conference Program

7:30 a.m. Breakfast and Registration
8:00 a.m. Opening/Welcome, Arlette Rodriguez-Miller, GLADC Executive Director
8:10 a.m. Guest Speaker, Wale Elegbede
8:30 a.m. Keynote Speaker: Dr. Jacqueline Battalora presents “Going Back To Go Forward”
10:30 a.m. Meet and Greet Book Signing with Dr. Jacqueline Battalora
10:45 a.m. Inclusive Culture and Practices Panel – Local Business owners, managers, and directors
12:00 p.m. Lunch
12:30 p.m. Exploring Healthy Masculinity through Trans Identity with Kayden Carpentier, Campus Climate Trainer, Department of Campus Climate, UW-Platteville
1:30 p.m. GLADC Speakers Bureau & Member Benefits Mary Anna Thornton, GLADC President Elect and Arlette Rodriguez-Miller, GLADC Executive Director
2:00 p.m. Next Steps and Evaluation, Shane Gesler, GLADC President
2:15 p.m. Adjourn

We look forward to having you join us for this very important conference. Please register today!

Event Notice

Lunch And Learn: Confronting Perfectionism and Imposter Syndrome (Virtual)

In this interactive Lunch and Learn, we’ll put these patterns in perspective and develop proactive strategies and mindsets to move past them. Learn how gender, race, and other systems intersect […]

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Multi­cultural Resource Guide

This guide lists established and emerging resources that reflect and celebrate cultural diversity in our area.

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