
You can help decide how our community addresses important local health concerns. Great Rivers United Way and a team of community partners is conducting a needs assessment called Compass. Compass is used by area hospitals, health departments, and other organizations to develop programs and policies to tackle local concerns. It is also used to help guide policy and community development decisions by state and local leaders.

Your voice matters! Please follow this link to take the survey:

The survey is anonymous. After completing the survey, you can choose to include your contact information to be entered into a drawing for one of six $50 grocery gift cards.

The survey is available online in English and Spanish. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete.

If you have any questions, please contact Liz Evans, Community Impact Director at Great Rivers United Way, at (608) 796-1400 or

Event Notice

Lunch And Learn: Self-Care for the Long Haul for advocates of workplace well-being

Doing Good Work and Living Your Dreams In this workshop, we’ll consider how important it is to nurture ourselves even as we continue to work for social justice. We’ll consider […]

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Multi­cultural Resource Guide

This guide lists established and emerging resources that reflect and celebrate cultural diversity in our area.

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