Greater La Crosse Area Diversity Council Director Position Description
The following describes the coordination and program management services this position provides to the Greater La Crosse Area Diversity Council. This is a part-time position with flexible scheduling.
Ideal candidate is an outgoing person with strong written and oral communication skills, and a proven ability to build relationships with internal and external stakeholders and grow an organization. Candidate will be an experienced change agent with a focus on social justice and a passion for creating equitable and inclusive workplaces, organizations and communities.
Position Goal: To provide leadership and administrative services to the Council and its members in a manner consistent with creating equitable and inclusive work places, organizations and communities.
Position Responsibilities:
1. Council Representation/Relationship Building
Develop relationships on behalf of the council with the community, businesses, organizations, schools, colleges, governmental agencies, etc. Identify assets, opportunities, resources, needs and partnerships to advance the mission of the council.
2. Quarterly Lunch and Learns and annual day-long conference
Provide planning support to committee and facilitate the identification of speakers and resource people, location of program and securing of food and supplies, marketing of event, registration and confirmation of attendees, setting terms and paying invoices. Preparing and analyzing evaluation of programs.
3. Membership drive and management
Work with the Leadership Committee and others to secure new and renewal memberships; as well as respond to requests for info and membership; update data base for membership and prospects – follow-up when needed.
4. Regular council meetings
Assist the Leadership Committee in the scheduling and organizing of planning meetings; send notifications of meetings; identify needs and tasks; call meetings as needed.
5. Communication & Marketing
Develop, maintain and expand communication through the website, social media, email, printed materials, annual report, display items, and promotional materials.
6. Communication Contact for Diversity Council
Serve as the central contact for the Council, members, employers, community partners and members. Provide ongoing communication to inform, educate and inspire. Answer requests in a timely manner through email, websites, and phone contacts as needed. Forward requests to appropriate members.
7. Administrative - Accounting and other business
Work with Council Treasurer and fiscal agent (Workforce Connections) to maintain accounting and other administrative tasks.
8. Board Leadership Meetings
Work with board leadership on semi-annual and strategic planning.
Position is a contract and resource dependent position.
All interested parties please submit a resume and a letter stating why you are interested in this position, your qualifications and social justice experience to the following email address by Monday July 16th:
Questions please call or email:
Shane Gesler
Client Relations Leader, Manpower
Thomas Harris
Assistant Director, Multicultural Student Services, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse