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University of Wisconsin – La Crosse’s Reflections of Ebony: “Paving the Way & Leaving a Legacy”

February 23, 2019 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Featuring a Keynote Presentation by Wisconsin Lt. Governor Mandela BarnesnTo find out more about Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, click on https://www.mandelabarnes.com/.nDoors Open 5:30pm, Program Starts 6:00pm & Dinner Served 6:30pmnMenu: Fried Chicken, Collard Greens w/ Ham/ Vegetarian Style, Cornbread, Macaroni & Cheese, Mashed Potatoes & Chocolate Cake Dessert. The Vegetarian Option is an Eggplant ParmesannThis annual event is open to the public and appropriate for all ages.nTickets are required and must be acquired by Wednesday, February 20th, 2019 at 9pm.nnUW-L Students, Faculty and Staff w/ID $10.00nCommunity & General Public $13.00nChildren Under 5 Free (Also need a ticket)nnTickets available at UW-L’s Student Union Information Desk (608) 785-8877n521 East Avenue North, La Crosse, WI 54601n8am – 8pm on Mondays – Fridays & 10am – 8pm on SaturdaysnFor online purchases search “2019 Ebony” on UWL’s homepage or click here.nReflections of Ebony is sponsored by UW-L’s Black Student Unity (BSU), Office of Multicultural Student Services (OMSS), Campus Activities Board (CAB), It Make$ Cents! and Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR)nMandela Barnes, a Milwaukee native, was born in the city’s poorest and the nation’s most incarcerated zip code. The difference for him was opportunity. He was raised in a middle class union household and learned the value of hard work early in life. Having attended both public and private schools, education has always been important to him, and making sure that every child in our state has a fair shot remains a top priority.nAt age 25, Mandela was elected to the State Assembly where he emerged as a champion on issues of the economy, criminal justice reform, and healthcare. He became the chair of the legislature’s Black and Latino Caucus in his first term, became a national leader on gun violence prevention, and was recognized as one of the top pro-growth progressive leaders in the country.nMandela has spent the last year traveling across the country, working with state legislators and advocacy groups to score progressive victories and beat back regressive attacks based on the ALEC agenda in the Deep South, and back home to the Midwest.nMandela has served nationally as a leader for education policy, gun violence prevention, and economic issues. He has also had the honor to serve on a number of international delegations to the Middle East and Southeast Asia. At home, he is active in a number of organizations serving the Greater Milwaukee Area including: Newaukee (Advisory Board), Social X (Advisory Board), Democratic Party of Milwaukee County (past Vice Chair), Citizen Action of Wisconsin (Board Member), New Leaders Council (Advisory Board), Milwaukee Secure Detention Facility (Community Advisory Board), NAACP, and the Milwaukee Urban League Young Professionals.nMandela ran for Lt. Governor next to Governor Tony Evers in Wisconsin’s 2018 Gubernatorial Election. The duo defeated former Governor Scott Walker and Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch on November 6, 2018. On January 7, 2019, Mandela Barnes was inaugurated as the first black Lt. Governor in the State of Wisconsin.nFor more information, contact BSU President, Bedston Burrell burrell.bedston@uwlax.edu or BSU Advisor, Richard Sims in Multicultural Student Services rsims@uwlax.edu or 608.785.8825.n n4 AttachmentsnTickets: https://www.efoliotickets.com/FolioProd/Events.aspx?VId=37.

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