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Bystander Intervention Workshop

February 25, 2021 @ 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm


Bystander Intervention Workshop

Event Details

The UWL Institute for Social Justice is partnering with LevelUP (formerly known as the Coulee Region Voices of Men), Viterbo University and Western Technical College to offer a virtual workshop for students on “Bystander Intervention” featuring Jennifer McCary, the Chief Belonging and Diversity officer at Bowling Green State University. For several years, Jennifer has provided workshops nationally on the topic of bystander intervention and delivered a TedX talk on the topic at Gettysburg College in 2016.

The workshop will be presented virtually and will be specifically geared toward high school and college-aged students, although adults of all ages are welcome to join.

Here is a brief description of Jennifer’s presentation:

Rooted in Title IX history and bystander dynamics research, this session will educate participants on practical skills for addressing various forms of injustice, with an emphasis on power and gender-based personal violence. Participants will learn what stops individuals from intervening while also thinking through intervention techniques that work for their comfort level. Given this virtual platform, participants will be asked to use a chat function to engage in the presentation.

Learning objectives:
• Participants will recognize injustice and the effect of unjust behaviors on the school/campus environment.
• Participants will understand what factors affect our probability of intervening in potential cases of harassment, sexual assault, relationship violence, or other negative situations.
• Participants will apply specific intervention techniques to situations they may witness.

If you are interested in receiving the Zoom link for this event to share with students, please email: tomblevelup@gmail.com. The link will also be on the UWL Event Calendar closer to time.

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