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Part II Amplifying the Voices of Black Youth and Their Parents in the La Crosse Area

November 18, 2020 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

You can’t miss Part II of this pressing educational program unveiling the perspectives of black youth and their parents in the La Crosse area.

The recent murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor brought forth national protests against long-standing police brutality and systemic racism that permeates our country.

In the La Crosse Area, multiple protests have been organized by local Black youth who shared their perspectives of experiencing racism, bullying, and stereotyping in our community from a very young age.

This event will facilitate discussion and understanding on a film intended to amplify the voices of the La Crosse area black youth and their parents, to engage our community in necessary conversations about bias, racism, and privilege. We challenge our community to change the environment, policies and practices that disproportionately impact black youth and their families.

Program Presenter

Tashyra  Bernard
Director- Yellow Brick Road, Inc.

My name is Tashyra Bernard and I have been a resident of the la crosse community for 21 years. Originally, I am a Madison, Wisconsin transplant. I am the third oldest of eight children and I moved here with my family during my junior year of high school. We have been calling this our home ever since.

I received my bachelor’s degree from Viterbo university, where I studied business and psychology.  I have children that are currently attending the elementary schools and my oldest who is out of school now, has done all her schooling in the La Crosse area. We have shared generations of our experiences over the years and each of our stories are all too similar.

I am the Director and Co-founder of  Yellow Brick Road; a group home for youth between the ages of 14 and 21. I got into this line of work because I am passionate about helping people and I wanted to be a part of the puzzle in guiding our youth.
As the years have gone by, I’ve realized that puzzle is much larger. It’s necessary to consider all the connecting pieces if we’re ever going to see the big picture.  I’m an advocate for my family and many other people in the La Crosse community.

It is my belief that courageous conversations need to be had in the schools, at work, in the church’s and all other places where there is an opportunity to connect and learn from one another. Most importantly, we all need to be proactive about being part of the conversation and then challenge our capacity to truly listen with the goal of understanding.


Greater La Crosse Area Diversity Council (GLADC)
Waking Up White Collaborative
Black Leaders Acquiring Collective Knowledge – B.L.A.C.K.
Cia Siab, Inc.
City of La Crosse Human Rights Commission
City of La Crosse Mayor’s Office
City of La Crosse Police Department
La Crosse Area Family Collaborative
La Crosse County Historical Society
Turner Consulting
University of Wisconsin La Crosse Police Department

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Multi­cultural Resource Guide

This guide lists established and emerging resources that reflect and celebrate cultural diversity in our area.

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