Rethinking Christian Responses to Islamophobia
Mary Nelson
Event Details
Please join the La Crosse Interfaith Shoulder to Shoulder Network (LISSN) and Viterbo University’s Religious Studies Department on February 18th at 7pm for a virtual presentation titled “Rethinking Christian Responses to Islamophobia.” Our guest speaker for this event will be Todd H. Green, Associate Professor of Religion at Luther College.
This presentation will be a Facebook live event, live streamed from the La Crosse Interfaith Shoulder to Shoulder Network’s Facebook page. For those who do not have a Facebook account, you can join via this zoom link:
Professor Green will offer reflections and facilitate dialogue on some of the more common misconceptions Christians in the United States have concerning anti-Muslim prejudice, with an eye toward helping Christian communities generate more constructive responses to systemic discrimination against Muslim Americans.