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UWL’s Division of Diversity and Inclusion Hispanic Heritage Month celebration

September 18, 2023 @ 8:00 am - 10:00 am


The Bluffs, UW-L Student Union
521 East Avenue N
La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601


Caleb Colon-Rivera

Event Details

On Monday, September 18 UWL’s Division of Diversity and Inclusion will be hosting a Hispanic Heritage Month celebration from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.. This event features our very own Dr. Víctor Macías-González who will be giving a keynote titled, “Wisconsin’s Latino: Past and Present” and we are formally inviting you to attend and learn alongside colleagues and community. It is a free event with limited seating, so we ask that you register using this link here.

Through our Celebration months at UWL, we strive to honor and learn about the many rich cultures we have on campus and in our greater La Crosse area.  As we work to continuously bridge the community, we would love to get the local organizations and individuals involved. That said, if you know of someone who would be interested in attending this event, feel free to forward this or send their contact information for us to reach out. The event will be open to the public. If you want to learn more please check out this article highlighting the event here. 

Event Notice

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Multi­cultural Resource Guide

This guide lists established and emerging resources that reflect and celebrate cultural diversity in our area.

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