The Family Fun Expo is Back for 2023! Join us Sunday, March 19th at the Omni Center from 11am-4pm! See:
Read MoreWe challenge your Organization, Business, Family, School to participate in our 2nd annual Black History door, bulletin board, or facility decorating contest. Please decorate and email pictures to, post on Hope Restores Facebook, and your Facebook.
Read MoreWrite about a black individual who has inspired and motivated you for the opportunity to earn a $500 college scholarship. Essays should be 1,000 words or less! Please email for contest guideline. Essays are due on February 15, 2023 […]
Read MoreJoin us for an evening with the Enduring Families Project. Begun as a bus tour in 2018, this important and growing theatre project brings to life the stories of early African Americans who lived in La Crosse from its beginnings. […]
Read MoreLa Crosse’s Racial Equity Team has launched a survey to better learn about how people use city services. It also asks if people think the city is being inclusive, and how comfortable people feel using city services like police and fire, libraries, and voting facilities. The Racial Equity Team will use the findings to create an equity action plan.
Read MoreWhole Child, Whole Family, Whole Community…there is a place for everyone in this work. Join us on November 4 to discover your role. Session topics will focus on ensuring that all kids within our community are mentally healthy, safe from abuse and neglect, out of the criminal justice system, in school and ready to learn, and on track to graduate.
Read MoreHispanic Heritage Month (September 15 to October 15) celebrates the culture and contributions of Americans tracing their roots to Spain, Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Spanish-speaking nations of the Caribbean.
Read MoreWe are currently creating Black, Indigenous & People of Color focus groups to provide a space to discuss a variety of important topics related to the lived experiences of what was, what is, and what could be for Black, Indigenous & People of Color in home ownership along with the opportunities, perceptions, and barriers that exist in the 7 Rivers Region.
Read MoreJoin us Thursday, October 6th from 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM in person at the Lunda Center or online. We’ll be collaborating with local organizations, local and national speakers, and educators to build an understanding of different DEI practices and the connection (intersectionality) among them.
Read MoreDoing Good Work and Living Your Dreams In this workshop, we’ll consider how important it is to nurture ourselves even as we continue to work for social justice. We’ll consider […]